Prism Energy have recently completed a Marine Simultaneous Operations (SIMOP) review for a long-standing client ahead of a subsea vessel campaign this summer.

SIMOPs are defined as two or more work scopes occurring simultaneously in the same or adjacent areas, or the same or associated systems.

In this case, multiple vessels including an FPSO were conducting SIMOPs. Operations included – 

  • Heading Control
  • Dive Support
  • Light Well Intervention
  • ROV Support Vessels

The Sessions

Prism Energy project consultants held a number of review sessions with representatives from all the associated stakeholders and developed a Decision Tool (SIMOPs Matrix) to determine which activities at the various locations can be performed simultaneously – the activities identified in the matrix are classified as either Prohibited, Restricted (other controls are in place) or Acceptable (managed under existing controls).


Prism Energy “did a fantastic job on the SIMOPs…one of the best SIMOPs exercises we’ve been through…”.

We really enjoy conducting these hands-on sessions.

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